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Terms & Conditions

This page (together with the documents referred to on it) tells you the terms and conditions on which we supply any of the products ("Products") listed on our websites triumph.com/th and th.triumph.com (together, the "Site") to you. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any Products from our Site. You should understand that by ordering any of our Products, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

You should print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.

You can communicate with us using the following email address: th.enquires@triumph.com

This Site is only intended for sales to people resident in Thailand and for individuals who are at least 18 years of age. We do not accept orders from individuals resident outside Thailand, or from individuals who are at below the age of 18 years.

How the contract is formed between you and us

You can choose Products and collect them in a shopping basket by using the button "Add to Shopping Bag". If, after fully completing the order page, you click on the button "Checkout" you make an offer to buy the Products in the shopping basket.

Prior to completing your order, you can access a summary page which allows you to see and change the selected Products and other information relating to your order. After completing an order, you will receive an e-mail acknowledging that we have received your order and including an order reference. Your order constitutes an offer to us to buy a Product. All orders are subject to acceptance by us, and we will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an e-mail that confirms that the Product has been dispatched (the "Dispatch Confirmation"). The contract between us (the "Contract") will only be formed when we send you the Dispatch Confirmation.

The Contract will relate only to those Products whose dispatch we have confirmed in the Dispatch Confirmation. We will also normally contact you if we are not accepting your order or part of your order for any reason.

Deliveries/Shipping Costs

Please note that we do not deliver to any address outside Thailand. Unless otherwise set out on the Site, we endeavour to have your order dispatched within 2 working days of receipt of your order. We use but are not accountable for the Flash Express delivery service. We anticipate delivery of your goods via this service to be within 3-5 working days commencing from the date we send you your Dispatch Confirmation.

For orders under a total value of THB1,500 nett we charge a fixed amount of THB50 for delivery.


Payment for all products must be made with a SCB Bank Transfer, credit/debit card (Visa and MasterCard), Paypal.

Risk and Title

The Goods will be your responsibility from the time of dispatch.

Ownership of the Products will only pass to you when we receive full payment of all sums due in respect of the Products, including delivery charges.

Consumer Rights

Please note that we are unable to issue a full refund for Products which have been worn, washed or damaged. We would ask you to return the Products in their original sale condition, with labelling still attached.

This provision does not affect your legal rights when Products are delivered defective or not as described.

Refunds Policy

Please see our Returns Policy.


Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing. When using the Site, you accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic. We will contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our Site. For contractual purposes, you agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This does not affect your legal rights.

All notices given by you to us must be given to us via email or telephone, using our contact details set out above. We may give notice to you at either the email or postal address you provide to us when placing an order. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted on our website, 24 hours after an e-mail is sent or 24 hours after the date of posting of any letter. In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter that such letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post, and in the case of an e-mail that such e-mail was sent to the specified e-mail address of the addressee.

Concluding provisions

These terms and conditions and any document expressly referred to in them constitute the whole agreement between us and supersede any previous arrangement, understanding or agreement between us, relating to the subject matter of any Contract.

We each acknowledge that, in entering into a Contract, (and the documents referred to in it), neither of us relies on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty of any person (whether a party to that Contract or not) other than as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.

If we fail, at any time during the term of a Contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under the Contract or any of these terms and conditions, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled under the Contract, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations.

Contracts for the purchase of Products through the Site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by Thailand law.

As of: August 2019